MBBR Screen

  • Vertical mounted flat-panel sieves
  • Vertical mounted flat-panel sieves
Vertical mounted flat-panel sieves Vertical mounted flat-panel sieves

Vertical mounted flat-panel sieves

Vertical mounted flat-panel sieves

Early carrier retention sieves’ designs used vertically mounted stainless-steel flat-panel sieves. Now uses horizontally configured stainless-steel wedge-wire sieves in aerated MBBR applications, because the position and orientation of the sieve takes advantage of the media and process aeration grid for scouring.

Vertical-mounted flat-panel sieves still are used in applications where an aeration grid is absent (e.g., anoxic reactors). In these instances, an air-sparge system is mounted along the bottom edge of the panels to periodically pulse the sieves and dislodge any accumulated matter.

Figures show a typical horizontal sieve installation.

1-19111Q423515a.jpg           1-19111Q4203X61.jpg

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