Biology of Fixed-Growth Process

  • Biology of Fixed-Growth Process
Biology of Fixed-Growth Process

Biology of Fixed-Growth Process

Biology of Fixed-Growth Process

Although the fundamental principles of biological processes are the same for all process configurations, the constraints of fixed-growth processes result in particular characteristics of microbial communities and advantages and disadvantages relative to alternative systems. In

fixed-growth processes, fluid containing necessary nutrients passes over the microorganisms

growing in a biofilm on a support surface. Nutrients diffuse into the biofilm and are metabolized by the immobilized microorganisms.


                                Oxidation  氧化                                                      Denitrification  反硝化

                                CHON+O2→CO2+H2O+NH4+                                  2NO3-+10e+12H+ →N2+6 H2O

                                Nitrification  硝化                                                   Anammox  厌氧氨氧化

                                NH4++1.5O2 →NO2-+2H++H2O                               NH4++ 1.32NO2- + 0.066HCO3+0.13H+

                                NO2-+0.5O2 → NO3-                                                                1.02N2+0.26NO3-+0.066CH2O0.5N0.15+2.03H2O